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Site Visit Summary

In this rotation, I had rotated through Woodhull’s OBGYN department and my primary preceptor was Professor Carlos Melendez. My interactions with professor Melendez were great and he was able to provide me feedback during my mid site evaluation. It was important for me to take into consideration what was mentioned in the midsite evaluation, which proposed a short and straight to the point assessment that made it easy to read for any clinician. I took this feedback and was able to work on my presentation for the final site visit. This was reflected in my last H&P that was presented and I feel that it made it flow better.

During this time, Carlos would also ask me important OBGYN questions that I must know for the boards (stages of labor, postpartum hemorrhaging and treating STI’s) and was always available in person or by phone if I had any general questions or patients I wanted to discuss with him. I look forward to these next site visits with future preceptors as it is a great learning experience that will help me become a great PA in the end.

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